“सोच बदलो - गाँव बदलो” [Transform Thought-Transform Village]

                              Benchmark of Achievements at a glance of a Year
The ambitious programme of “Soch Badlo Gaon Badlo”, an eminent team of volunteers, has emerged as one of the most broadcasted mass movement. On the first foundation anniversary of SBGBT, people’s awareness and the sensitivity towards the mission has been evaluated and assessed on the successive graph by the (SBGBT). The ( SBGBT) has shown their true and selfless sprit and leaded many transforming and successive programmes like Soch badlo-gaam badlo yatra (Transform thoughts transform village march), Green village-clean village abhiyan, Aawo padhe-aage badhe (Let learn and march ahead) Shiksha paawo-gyaan badhawo abhiyan pratiyogita (Learn and educate competition) Atikraman mukti abhiyan (No Encroachment abhiyan) Sharab Bandi abhiyan (Liquor ban abhiyan) Formation of village development committees, setting up Library and running coaching institutions etc.

The SBGBT has published annual development report in Utthaan annual magazine (AFFLUX) which speaks about the transforming and public awareness activities carried by (SBGBT). The Sparker of the movement Dr. Satyapal Singh Meena, Prof. Priyanand Aagle and team believes that progressive socialization is not a first imitative but a continual process which is working since many years. The team is giving their selfless hundred percent to exhort the parameter of the SBGB mission by creating social sensitivity, social concern, amongst the people. Soch Badlo Gaon Badlo is a simple but meaningful ideology based on the principles like Social Equanimity, Promoting public participation in development process, Developing positive and constructive attitude, Councelling and guidance for young minds, Inculcating ethical values amongst kids, Raising the positive attitudinal graph, raising economic and social living standard of the people. The SBGBT is come into existence on May 1st 2017. Some significant and steeping benchmark of the team is as follow.
1. The most vital achievement of the SBGBT is to an attitudinal change on the part of all young minds to fulfill the aim of the SBGB abhiyan. The SBGBT has given 100% to make the youngsters optimistic and tried to make them sensitive towards their social obligatory responsibilities for nation and society. A sense of responsibility has been evoked among the people through the SBGB Movement.

2. The team has saved many from ruining because negative atmosphere is born towards social evils and mischiefs. People have started seeing these misdeeds as an evil and opposing it. As a result, thousands of homes are being saved from ruin.

3. The team has created love for the village in the minds of young generation / youth and has attracted for cooperation in village development. Thereby, there is an atmosphere of responsibility in the village. Today, the youth are considering the development of the village as their moral responsibility and are coming forward to discuss the development of their village. The villagers are also playing their responsibilities in development.

4. During the Soch Badlo Gaon Badlo yatra, programs were organized in more than 100 villages during which the emphasis was placed on the development of the village with brotherhood, unity and cooperation of each other. Today the work of SBGBT abhiyan is being discussed in the village and people are coming forward for mutual brotherhood and cooperation. Together they are discussing the problems of their village and their possible solution and also working to short out.

5. In order to make people aware of environment and water conservation in symbolic form, a plantation campaign "Green Village-Clean Village" was conducted. Every class of society appreciated it, as well as officials of Forest Department also praised this program. Through this, people became aware of the environment.

6. Children are the future of our village and country. By strengthening them, our society will be strengthened. With the objective of motivating children to education and good rites, SBGBT started the "Aawo padhe-aage badhe" program; In which, a life diary was distributed along with the team members by going to schools, keeping children away from mischief / awareness towards their goals. So far, more than 20 thousand children have participated in the program. All the school's headmasters, teachers and villagers had praised the same.

7. The mass consciousness of SBGBT's Jan Chetna Yatra had such an impact on the people the village who made meetings for change and took concrete steps towards the inclusion of intoxication from their own village. In more than 60 villages, prohibition of liquor ban, gambling and in some villages, even on Gutkha and tobacco products, the villagers stopped them. Women also came forward in many villages and raised their voices against liquor barricades and showed unity to remove illegal liquor shops from the village. This is a good step towards addiction liberation in society. Although the SBGBT is trying to get 100% result in the same.

8. The importance of wider roads was also explained to the people during Yatra. Villagers were requested and persuaded for the removal of encroachment from the narrow streets of the village and to leave their narrow mindset, as a result of which many people of the village had the ideas of SBGBT Impressed by thinking and organizing meetings in your village with immediate effect, remove encroachment with narrow roads of the village. The youth took part in such programs. Villages like Smart Village Dhanora, Biluni, Dhanera, Kansawati Kheda, Singorii, Kuhawan, Khargapura, Kankarate, Coal, Umreh and Chilachand, widened the roads and enhanced the beauty of their village and showed the big thinking of the people of their village. This has also inspired the surrounding villages and this program is gradually continuing with the youth in many other villages.

9. As a special achievement of SBGBT, it would not be exaggerated that the team visited a village where there was road from the time of independence till today, it was the effect of the team members to explain to the people of the village that Raghuvirpura, the people of the whole village were filled with such enthusiasm that they abandoned their small and daunting thinking and stood up for each other's support for the good of the village. The villagers themself constructed the road and Raghuveerpura has also been joined by the road, though it is now a raw road, but with the efforts of SBGT, the MLA has also assured to change it into a permanent asphalt road. Its is the best example of public participation.

10. In village Khinnaut, the youth resolved the problem of drinking water in the village with mutual cooperation in the village. The youth of the village started a new bore with the help of villagers and laid pipelines having length of 3 KM for the supply of water in the village itself. Earlier women of the village used to fetch the water from the distance of 3 KM. One such example has been presented by the people of Gudha village. They also changed the thinking and solved the problem of water in the village.

11. The team has started "Utthan coaching institute" in Sarmathura city for the students who cannot get higher education due to economic status or get admission in expensive coaching institute.The team has pledged to develop poor children as a good human resource. The coaching institute is being run successfully by the volunteers of team.

12. Successful release of its annual magazine "Utthan" was organized by the team to manage and spread their ideologies and functions. The journal has included accounts of various works done in the first year, articles of experts on various topics, information of government schemes and articles guiding the youth and children.

SBGBT is committed to their goals. SBGBT has given birth to a positive environment and positive attitude by eliminating the negative approach of the people. They have forced them to think positively. People in the village-and nearby today are discussing the hopes, the chaupalas, on the hopes that our youth and we can develop our village together. Creating this thinking is the biggest achievement of SBGBT. Through SBGBT, we all are trying to play our own moral responsibility towards our village, society and country.
Soch Badlo Gaon Badlo Team


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